The 2018 Conference of the CLSANZ was held between September 3 and 5 in Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.
Presenters at the Conference were
- Fr John Salvano – Arranged Marriages in the Australian Context
- Sr Mary Wright IBVM – The Development of the Ministerial Public Juridic Person: Questions and Challenges
- Fr Hans Zollner SJ – Wounds inflicted in the Body of Christ” (Benedict XVI): How can Theology, Psychology and Canon Law deal with Sexual Abuse of Minors?
- Fr Robert Geisinger SJ – Delicta Graviora: Current Issues in Jurisprudence and Practice
- Fr Robert Geisinger SJ – Delicta Graviora: Judicial and Extrajudicial Penal Proceedings
- Monsignor John Renken – Workshop: Synodality and Financial Management: Addressing Financial Abuses in the Particular Churches
- Fr Ken Cafe OFM – Workshop: Indicators of Threats to a Person’s Inalienable Right to Marry
- Mr Patrick Mullins & Mr Michael Sinclair – Workshop: Issues of Governance